1. There are now Pidgin 2.5.3 packages available in the Intrepid series of the Kiwi Linux PPA . You can pick the packages manually, aware that Pidgin is split in quite a few debs, or enable the archive. Only do the latter if you are also fine with upgrading to Open Office 3.0 since that is in there too.

    The PPA is still unsigned. If you want the signed mirror at kiwilinux.org install this deb which will take care of adding the Kiwi and Medibuntu repos with their GPG keys into APT.

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  2. * Adi s-a întors de la Ubuntu Developer Summit organizat la Googleplex și ne-a povestit la o întâlnire cum a fost.

    Mmm, that's all folks! Vă urez activități mai multe și mai vizibile în 2009, care va fi evident, 'the year of the Linux desktop' ;)

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  3. Acesta e primul post dintr-o serie care va cuprinde cele mai semnificative evenimente din țară legate de promovarea softului liber. Dacă aveți știri trimiteți-le mie și vor apărea în postarea următoare. Criteriile de selecție sunt ca informația să fie legată direct de FOSS local, nouă, și să pară utilă la mai mult de patru persoane.

    * Alex Eftimie relatează despre prezentările celor de la Fundația Mozilla în liceele din țară, în particular cea co-organizată de ROSEdu și Ceata (un fel de Cosa Nostra din Regie)

    * A fost lansată versiunea 8.12 a distribuției bazate pe Ubuntu și dezvoltate local, Kiwi Linux.

    * A fost lansat saitul comunității locale de utilizatori openSUSE si SuSE Linux

    * Au avut loc întâlnirile pe IRC pe luna decembrie din cadrul serilor deschise Ubuntu

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  4. The first Kiwi Linux edition based on Ubuntu 8.10 is ready. The most significant changes from Ubuntu and earlier Kiwi Linux releases is the inclusion of OpenOffice 3 with up-to-date Romanian translations done using Narro and the Wubi installer on the CD. Apart from this, as usual, it has restricted media support and the Medibuntu repos enabled, firmware for the annoying Speedtouch 330 ADSL modem, a graphical tool for restoring a lost GRUB menu, the extended Compiz settings UI, and some more bits and pieces.

    You can read the full release notes here.

    Download mirros listed here:


    I'd like to thank those members of the Romanian and Hungarian Ubuntu teams who helped test the images and especially wubi in the past few days. And thanks to Alin for finding the puzzling bug in my wubi build (even if you only provide an x86 image, you need an amd64 entry in wubi) . Also, I am impressed by mingw32 and its ability to cross-build Windows binaries on Linux.

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  5. I know that Lazyweb won't be reading this because just like Santa it is simulated by people, but I don't mind much as long as I get an answer.

    Do you have experience in building a mostly static - that is not a blog - WordPress site in at least two languages? I'd like to get rid of the three-lingual static HTML on the Kiwi Linux site and use WP but I am not sure which of the many multilingual plugins for it is the most mature and easiest to install and maintain. The site should have a similar URL structure and layout with only the language code difference in the URL, and all content is written manually, so it is not the automatic translation plugins that I am after.

    Any examples of existing multilingual WP sites which are not a hassle to maintain are fine too.

    I'd like it to be structured more or less like the current site, but easier to modify.


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