Romanian readers:
fir de discutii

There's a CS/informatics competition for high school students being held this weekend in Cluj and it is combined with educational software presentations from software companies for informatics professors.

I asked the organizers if our Free Software Group could hold a short session about the benefits of FOSS in education, with references to Ubuntu, Edubuntu and Kiwilinux and we were given a slot after the ones which had already been planned a while ago - those of Microsoft, Cisco and a local company that sells education software for Romanian schools.

That was two days ago but yesterday we were notified that the Microsoft representative in charge with the education strategy had requested the organizers to pull the Ubuntu presentation because it is 'unfair competition' to hold such a presentation at an event sponsored by them. They are indeed co-sponsors but the conference is organized by the Ministry of Education and its local office, and is being held on the premises of a public University.

It is sad to know they are resorting to this sort of coercing and that they have such influence over the educators but looking on the bright side of it, and that's how I perceived it after thinking a bit about it, THEY ARE SCARED :)

We were also promised to be given the opportunity to present at a later date to a similar group of professors in June.

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If most cryptographers and one prominent NSA whistle-blower are to be believed, Signal by Open Whisper Systems - branded TextSecure on Android before it recently got merged with RedPhone  - is the most secure traditional messaging app in use today - that is, not counting those that require Tor, the

Cross compiling Go packages to ARM is easy unless they rely on C libraries via cgo, in which case C cross-compilers and libraries built for the target are required on the host, and the invocation is not straightforward at all.

I have been meaning to try QML for a while, and a couple of weeks ago I managed to finally do it, the result being a simple memory game for small children, a clone of the GCompris railway activity. In this post I'll summarize my short experience with Ubuntu click app development.

After exactly two years of neglect which I will henceforth market as 'LTS cadence' last week I released a new version of the Ubuntu remix with Romanian, Hungarian, German and English languages included by default.


With the latest upload into the Ubuntu 12.04 archives MongoDB 2.0.4 builds and passes its smoketests on ARM.Upstream's git master - the 2.1 branch - also supports at least ARMv7 and Ubuntu.

Even though some of these tools have been around for years, I have only recently started using them.

* byobu - nicer than plain screen with good defaults, for example key binding for scrolling is like in a regular terminal.


There's a fresh release for the Lightspark Flash player, the third one on an approximately monthly schedule.Most new changes in 0.5.3 are robustness and portability fixes and a working Windows port, the vast majority of it being done by Matthias Gehre.

After over two months of work since 0.5.0 by a handful of developers, there's finally a new release of Lightspark, the (other) open source Flash player.


In preparation for tomorrow's 'Common ARM build failures' session that is part of Ubuntu Developer Week I started a wiki page.

The Shotwell developers need small AVI files created by diverse cameras to improve metadata handling of such videos. If your camera creates AVI, consider uploading a short video in their wiki.

This mail has the details.


Patches for video upload support to Flickr and Facebook were just accepted and commited to trunk and will be available in Shotwell 0.8, most likely this month :)


As an experiment to see if it alleviates slight back pains, for the past four weeks I have been working standing. I don't use an actual standing desk but rather stacked a lot of cardboard boxes on my regular desk, then put the monitor, laptop, keyboard and mouse on top of them.


Up until two months ago, had I been asked the question "Which is the open source project that you are least likely to ever contribute to?", I would have, without hesitation answered


Shotwell trunk allows downloading movie files from cameras and playing them, as it makes sense to catalogue videos and photos in the same app, using an unified interface.


Scopul principal al distribuției Kiwi Linux este de a face Linux cât mai atractiv pentru începători și de a-i introduce în lumea softului liber și în comunitățile aferente.


Mulțumiri celor care au contribuit la Kiwi în ultima perioadă:

lui Radu pentru ajutorul la grafică, Silviu pentru tema Wordpress pentru site (dar care încă nu e pus online), Árpi, Flaviu și Gelu pentru testele ISO, Imi, Stas, Ciprian, Călin și Emil pentru mirroruri.

Finally, after a hiatus of over a year, the Ubuntu derivative tailored for Romanian and Hungarian Linux beginners is having a new release! Of course English is still available on the CD :)

Here is the iso (700M)

Its focus is to provide much of the commonly needed software conveniently installed by


Does anyone reading this know what program was used to create the splash.pcx file that is the first thing coming up when the CD boots? It has a small text in the new font saying 'ubuntu' with a subtle glow around the text.


UPDATE: RC2 aici

Traduceri si finisaj la imagini, adaugat cheese.

Imaginea RC a ultimii versiuni de Kiwi e gata.

After one release skipped (9.10) and another postponed several times (10.04) Kiwi Linux is starting to look like the Duke Nukem Forever of the distro landscape.


Stas Sușcov, one of the most active members of both the Moldavian and Romanian LoCo teams, has created a Facebook application to spread the 10.04 countdown banners.

Manifestul lansat de peste o săptămână de Bogdan Manolea are deja peste 100 de semnatari, dar e evident că sunt mult mai multe persoane, asociații sau firme careinteracționează deja cu softurile și siturile web făcute de sau pentru statștiu ce sunt formatele de date și standardele deschiseutilizează

1. Sper că până la sfârșitul acestui an va exista un proiect cu contribuții semnificative din RO, sau chiar inițiat aici care va ajunge popular (adică shipped in Ubuntu și Fedora).

Următorul release de Kiwi Linux nu va avea nimic special în afară de obișnuitele schimbări mici în plus.

Am curățat bugurile vechi și irelevante din LP, așa că sunt doar 4 deschise.

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