1. Vineri si sâmbătă voi fi la Bucureşti pentru Eliberatica, prezint Ubuntu şi Kiwi împreună cu Tiberiu Turbureanu. Sper să mă întâlnesc şi cu alţi suporteri FOSS din Bucureşti şi să schimbăm păreri despre cum putem promova mai bine softul liber şi Linux în Romănia, independent de distibuţia preferată şi localitate dar coordonaţi, să avem impact mai mare.

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  2. Romanian readers:
    fir de discutii

    There's a CS/informatics competition for high school students being held this weekend in Cluj and it is combined with educational software presentations from software companies for informatics professors.

    I asked the organizers if our Free Software Group could hold a short session about the benefits of FOSS in education, with references to Ubuntu, Edubuntu and Kiwilinux and we were given a slot after the ones which had already been planned a while ago - those of Microsoft, Cisco and a local company that sells education software for Romanian schools.

    That was two days ago but yesterday we were notified that the Microsoft representative in charge with the education strategy had requested the organizers to pull the Ubuntu presentation because it is 'unfair competition' to hold such a presentation at an event sponsored by them. They are indeed co-sponsors but the conference is organized by the Ministry of Education and its local office, and is being held on the premises of a public University.

    It is sad to know they are resorting to this sort of coercing and that they have such influence over the educators but looking on the bright side of it, and that's how I perceived it after thinking a bit about it, THEY ARE SCARED :)

    We were also promised to be given the opportunity to present at a later date to a similar group of professors in June.

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  3. A very interesting and insightful post by Ivan Krstić about the recent disappointing changes at One Laptop Per Child, including a bit of prehistory of the project and ideas for the future.

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  4. First of all hello Planet GNOME readers, since I forgot to say this in the previous two posts, and thanks to Jeff for adding me. While I am still an Xfce user, I tend to contribute more to GNOME lately as the clear roadmap, strict release schedule and the active community make it the more appealing project.

    Kiwilinux 8.04, the Ubuntu derivative mostly for Romanian and Hungarian users is released. It is package archive and schedule compatible with Ubuntu and the changes to it are minimal but important for first time Linux users. Switching back and forth between Ubuntu and Kiwi is very easy.

    Here's the FAQ for those wondering why the world needs another distro and what's with the name, and here's the downloads page.

    The question of which video player and codec stack to choose was settled, it is totem-gstreamer with the restricted codecs on the CD, with a workaround in totem to play the BBC News WMV streams. The package, along with the other changes to Ubuntu are in the Kiwilinux team's PPA in Launchpad. A signed mirror of that along with the Medibuntu repositories are the additions to the default Ubuntu archives.

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