1. Up until now I was at most smiling at the lack of imagination and shameless plagiarism characteristic of spam authors, but today another one passed gmail's filters and made me laugh out loud for a good while as I read it over. Congrats to Jaja (spammer slash executioner), for the courage of not choosing to go with the crowd of credit card fraudsters who rely too much on luck and gullibility, and being proactive instead in trying to create a niche for himself and his boys.

    This is what the message looks like
    executor jaja

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  2. The second and last release of Kiwi to be based on Ubuntu 7.10 is ready for downloading today.

    Since 7.10 there are a few changes:

    * German language packs are added in addition to English, Romanian and Hungarian
    * Medibuntu repositories are activated by default, thus Skype, Google Earth and other packages are installable via Synaptic.
    * Bugfix and security updates from the 7.10 archives are up to date as of March the 3rd
    * There's a Zenity based tool on the LiveCD that helps restore a GRUB menu - enough people install Windows after Ubuntu and loose the ability to boot into it to make it worth adding.
    * Inkscape was removed because of lack of space.

    For those hearing for the first time about Kiwi: it is named after the fruit not New Zealand, and is the Ubuntu derivative that tries to stay as close as possible to Ubuntu while in the same time adding some features that commercial distros have, like multimedia support. Other notable changes from Ubuntu are the inclusion of the not-quite-free but in some parts popular Speedtouch 330 USB modem ADSL driver and Thunderbird and Audacious as the default mail and music apps.

    It is i386, LiveCD, GNOME-only.

    Visit the project's website for more details.

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