I have updated Sugar and its dependencies in the PPA, to try it out in Gutsy follow the instructions in the OLPC wiki. There are about a dozen activities included, the ones really interesting for teaching programming are Pippy and TurtleArt.
The Personal Package Archives feature of Launchpad is great! The only thing I miss is signing the archives with the uploaders' GPG keys.
During the past few days I have been using my newly created PPA for storing experimental packages of Sugar, the user interface on the XO/OLPC/100$ laptop.
If you want to see what it looks and behaves like, install sugar-emulator and the activity packages in my archive.
$sudo -s
#echo "deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/jani/ubuntu gutsy universe" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/sugar.list
#apt-get update
#apt-get install sugar-emulator sugar-{calculate,write,memorize,connect,chat}-activity
or the equivalent in your favourite package manager frontend, then run sugar-emulator.
Useful shortcuts in the emulator, which basically is a Xephyr session : Alt-f for toggling the frame, F1, F2, F3, F4 for changing the view although these have limited use in non-mesh scenarios, Alt-q to quit, and Alt-TAB to cycle through your regular non-sugar desktop apps.
Only packages for Gutsy are available and only for a handful of activities (apps in Sugarspeak). As upstream activities get stable for the upcoming beta deployments I'll probably add them.6View comments
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